2405 | Luxembourg Marathon Privacy Policy


We, at Ferrero, wish to provide you with the best browsing experience possible and are committed to protecting your right to privacy. In line with this commitment, we have published and regularly update this information notice (the “Notice”), in which we explain the way we collect and handle your personal data when you browse this website (the “Website”).

This Notice relates to the processing of your personal data whenever:
• You navigate the pages of this Website (Browsing data);
• You subscribe to our corporate newsletter (Newsletter data); or
• You participate in a contest or promotional event organized by Ferrero on this Website (Event data).
This Notice does not cover the way Ferrero collects or handles your personal data in the context of other activities like consumer care or recruitment. For these other activities, please check instead the other links referenced at the end of this Notice (8. General information).

1. Who are we and how to contact us?
Ferrero has established its global headquarters at 16 Route de Trêves, L-2633 Senningerberg, Luxembourg (hereafter, “Ferrero” or “we”). When collecting and processing personal data via this Website, Ferrero acts as a data controller.
If you have any questions on the processing of your personal data, do not hesitate to contact our Data Protection Officer by sending an email at privacy@ferrero.com

2. What personal data do we collect, for what purpose and on what legal basis?
This Website allows Ferrero to communicate with the world and to connect with you. In this context, we may collect some personal data from you for different purposes and by relying on different legal bases, as detailed below.

When you browse this Website
The administration of this Website involves the use of computer systems and software procedures, which collect information about the Website’s users as part of their routine operation, as is standard practice on the internet.
When you land and navigate on this Website, the following Browsing data will automatically be collected from your device: location (country), type of device (for instance, a computer or a smartphone) and necessary technical information for connection and navigation (IP address, domain name, Uniform Resource Identifier, etc.). This information is obtained, among others, through the placing of so-called ‘functional’ cookies on your device.

The purpose behind the collection of this data is to offer you a proper browsing experience on this Website (including by adjusting the appearance, content and language of this Website to your device and region). In addition, Ferrero collects and processes this data for the purpose of detecting, identifying and preventing fraud or abuse on the Website. The legal basis for processing these personal data is, in the first instance, the performance of the services associated with this Website and, in the second instance, the legitimate interest of Ferrero to administer and protect the integrity of the Website.

When you have consented to other cookies than purely functional cookies, we may also collect additional data relating to your browsing behaviour (for instance, time spent on the Website, pages that you visited, etc.) – for more information on this topic, please refer to our Cookies Policy.

When you subscribe to our Newsletter
If you wish to receive news from us, you can subscribe to our newsletter.
If you decide to subscribe to our newsletter, we will collect your email address, your first name and last name and your location (your Newsletter data). The purpose behind the processing of your Newsletter data is to keep you informed about our activities and promote Ferrero’s products and services. The legal basis for processing your Newsletter data is your consent. You may of course withdraw this consent at any time by clicking on the “unsubscribe” button at the bottom of any newsletter you will receive from us.

When you participate in a contest or other promotional event
If you wish to take part in one of our contests or promotional events organized via this Website, we may need to collect personal data from you, such as your name and email address (your Event data). Other information may also be necessary for your registration and participation, depending on the event concerned. Any information that is required from you to be able to participate in these events will be indicated as such at the time you register.

The purpose of this processing is to promote our brands, products or activities.
The legal basis for collecting Event data is your consent. You may of course withdraw this consent at any time by contacting us (1. Who are we and how to contact us?). In the context of promotional events, we may also need to fulfil some contractual obligations in accordance with the terms of those events. In that case, the legal basis for processing your personal data will be the performance of the applicable contract (for instance, if you participate in a contest and are one of the winners, we will process your address to send you the prize).

Please note that some Browsing data, Newsletter data or Event data are mandatory for the Website to be able to function or for us to be able to provide the required services. Failure to provide these data will prevent you from browsing this Website or enjoying these services (for instance, if you do not provide your email address, we will not be able to send you our newsletter). As far as Newsletter data or Event data are concerned, mandatory data will be marked as such when you first register. Of course, it is always up to you to decide whether you wish to engage with us in the first place.

3. How long do we keep your personal data?
Your personal data are kept for no longer than necessary for achieving the above-mentioned purposes. In particular, the following retention periods apply:
Browsing data: 3 months after your last visit.
Newsletter data: maximum one month after you decide to unsubscribe from the newsletter (consent withdrawal).
Event data: 6 months after the promotional event is over to perform verification activities or market research and to protect Ferrero’s interests in relation to any liability arising from the event. This retention period may be adapted as indicated in any specific privacy notice attached to the event.

After those periods, your personal data will be deleted, except when we have a legal obligation to keep them for a longer period (for instance, for tax compliance) or when an issue has occurred and we have a legitimate interest to retain them for a longer period to protect our interests, including for the establishment, exercise or defence of any legal claim (for instance, in the event of fraud or misuse of the Website).

4. With whom do we share your personal data?
Ferrero is committed to ensuring the confidentiality of your personal data. By default, Ferrero will never share your personal data with third parties outside of the Ferrero Group. Also, all our employees are subject to an obligation of confidentiality.

In some instances, however, we may need to share your personal data with a limited number of persons (the “Recipients”) whose involvement is necessary for achieving one of the above-mentioned purposes.

In particular, your personal data may be shared with the following Recipients:
• Other companies within the Ferrero Group for providing you with country-specific content, for event management or internal administrative purposes.
• Duly appointed service providers and business partners, such as external IT or marketing agencies, who are involved in the activities relating to the Website (e.g., technical maintenance, web hosting, mailing list management, contests’ management, etc.).
• Public entities, bodies or authorities, in accordance with the applicable law or binding orders of those entities, bodies or authorities. We may also disclose your Personal Data when we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to a government request.
• To another company, a law firm or an audit firm for extraordinary corporate transactions for conducting audits, or for establishing or defending a legal claim.
Whenever possible or reasonable, your personal data will not be shared with external Recipients or will only be shared after having been anonymized or pseudonymized to further protect your privacy.

You may further inquire about the identity of the Recipients of your personal data by contacting us at privacy@ferrero.com.

5. Do we transfer your personal data to another country?
As a rule, your personal data will only be processed in the European Economic Area. It may be the case however that one of the above-mentioned Recipients with whom some data must be shared is located in another jurisdiction (e.g., another company of the Ferrero Group organizing the promotional event you are taking part in, a web hosting service provider located abroad, etc.). In that case, Ferrero will only transfer your personal data in accordance with and when permitted by the applicable privacy and data protection laws.

In particular, if you are located in the European Economic Are (EEA) and one of the Recipients of your personal data is located outside of the EEA in a country that is not offering an equivalent level of data protection, Ferrero undertakes to adopt a transfer tool and supplementary measures to ensure an equivalent level of protection for your personal data. You may request a copy of the applicable transfer tool (if any) by contacting us at privacy@ferrero.com

6. Do we process children’s personal data?
In order to comply with laws protecting children’s online privacy, Ferrero does not knowingly collect any personal data from children under 18. Ferrero takes children’s privacy seriously. As such, we would recommend that a parent or guardian assists and guides any children under 18 who may intend to browse the Website or access the services provided by Ferrero. Children under age 18 should not use Ferrero’s Website or services. If Ferrero learns that it has inadvertently collected personal data from a child under the age of 18, Ferrero will promptly delete such information.

7. What are your data protection rights?
You have several rights in relation to the processing of your personal data:
• The right to obtain additional information or clarifications on the processing of your personal data, and to obtain a copy of your personal data.
• The right to obtain the correction of your personal data if they are inaccurate or incomplete.
• The right to object to the processing of your personal data on grounds relating to your particular situation whenever the processing is based on our legitimate interests (e.g., processing for external communication purposes).
• The right to obtain restriction of processing from us (i.e., temporary suspension of the processing) while we assess the validity of another request relating to your personal data.
• The right to data portability whenever you have provided us with personal data (i.e., the right to receive your personal data in a commonly used and machine-readable format and transmit them to another controller).
• The right to request the erasure of your personal data (‘right to be forgotten’).
• The right to withdraw your consent, whenever your personal data have been collected or are being processed based on your consent (e.g., you may at anytime unsubscribe from our Newsletter).

You may exercise these rights at any time by contacting us in writing at privacy@ferrero.com. We will analyze your request and get back to you with an answer as soon as possible.

In the event you believe that Ferrero did not handle your request properly or infringed the applicable data protection law, you may file a complaint with the Luxembourg data protection authority (the Commission Nationale pour la Protection des Données), in its capacity as lead supervisory authority, or with your national or local data protection authority.

8. General information
This Notice was last updated in April 2024. From time to time, Ferrero will amend this Notice. Ferrero therefore invites you to regularly visit this page in order to stay up to date.

Depending on the nature of our relationship with you, you may also want to consult the following privacy notices:
• If you are a consumer and wish to better understand how we process your personal data in the context of our Consumer Care services, please refer to our Consumer Care Privacy Notice.
• If you are interested in a career at Ferrero and wish to better understand how we process your personal data in the context of recruitment, please refer to our Ferrero Careers Privacy Notice.

We wish you a safe and pleasant browsing experience on our Website!